Owen O'Kane



Owen O’Kane is a Psychotherapist, former NHS Clinical Lead for mental health and Sunday Times Bestselling Author. He grew up in Northern Ireland during 'The Troubles,' which was the perfect training ground for understanding the anxious mind due to the conflict and fear that existed in the region.

As a former palliative care nurse, Owen heard first-hand the biggest regrets people have on their death beds and as a result, learnt about the stresses and worries we shouldn't hold onto.

Owen uses a multitude of techniques in helping people with mental health. He has a down to earth, engaging and "no fluff" approach and is passionate about helping people achieve calmer, happier lives. He'll leave audiences curious, positively challenged and eager to make changes in their lives.

His recent book “Ten To Zen” shot straight in at Number 3 on Amazon's Bestsellers, being beaten to the top 2 spots by Michelle Obama and Joe Wicks. Everyone could benefit from being a little bit happier. Owen’s new book Ten Times Happier talks us through how we do that.

He is also a regular contributor to press, news and TV. His new book "Ten Times Happier’ is also out now.

Owen can bring the following topics to your event.

  • Managing Uncertainty
  • Coping with change
  • Bouncing back
  • Adjusting in times of crisis
  • Hope in challenging times

“The feedback we have gotten from the team is fantastic and I think it will have long reaching benefits. Owen’s message has really resonated with everyone.”

Helen Parker, MD & EVP – Universal Pictures

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