Ian Aspin



Ian Aspin is a TV/radio/online journalist, producer, presenter, writer, motivational speaker, business and ideas person from Lancashire. But what he really understands, and can communicate with a sense of humour is social media and the world of digital communications.

As a broadcaster and journalist, Ian's been described as a cross between Peter Kay and Jeremy Paxman. But he didn't start out in broadcast media. Ian has sold steel, cared for people with severe disabilities, and written computer programmes and there was a time when he was an organist who played for pub strippers and at funerals.

But after a series of broadcasting jobs in the BBC and ITV, Ian found himself the co-owner of an independent production company, working on programmes ranging from the contemporary slave trade, suicide bombers and submarines to exorcists, cults and ASBO kids.

Along the way he discovered that his "thing" is helping people and organisations find their "thing" and he helps them discover passion, purpose, and meaning, as well as sustainable ways to make business and life better for everyone.

He understands digital connectedness and lives and breathes it. Within three months of discovering Twitter, Ian became one of the top 10 most followed journalists globally and entered the top 1000 users in the world. He's currently in the top 500 most listed people on Twitter, out of an estimated 110+ million users, and one of the top 100 most followed in the UK. 

At a major Microsoft social media conference Ian was featured as an outstanding example of how a person can build a massive online community by providing valuable content and making genuine connections.

A specialist in creativity and thinking strategies, he inspires change-makers and organisations to take massive, caring, and focused action on the things that matter most.

His book 'How to Be a Super Human: Using the Amazing Power of Social Networks to Make a Living, Make a Life and Make a Difference' was published in 2012.

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